September 2019 at Living Word
Anxiety & worry are a big problem in today’s world. How do you calm your fears?
You do not have to be rich or successful to be happy, Stop pursuing the world, it is always spinning. Stop, reflect, and build a relationship with God.
How is it that we get bogged down when we are in a fast pace world? We could get stuck in a bad place. Center up and stay balanced with God’s plan.
Jesus taught with real world examples on faith, trust, and obedience in God’s power. Jesus showed God’s power through the miracles He performed.
FAITH = Belief + Action + Trust the 3 part plan to take a stand with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
Children learn – The amazing power of Jesus
September 1 Jesus healed the official’s son – John 4:46-54; Acts 2:22. Jesus has power over sickness.
September 8 Jesus calmed a storm – Mark 4:35-41; Luke8:22-25, Acts 2:22. Jesus has power over nature.
September 15 Jesus healed a man born blind – John 9:1-34; 1 Corinthians 4:20; Acts 2:22. Jesus has the power to meet people’s needs.
September 22 Jesus walked on water – Matthew 14:31; Acts 2:22. Jesus has the power to do things no one else can.
September 29 Breakfast with Jesus – John 14:1-3; 21:1-19; Acts 2:22. Jesus has the power to come again.
Youth learn – Simplicity finding contentment in a busy life
September 1 A centered life- Matthew 6:25-34. Find the center and don’t lose sight. When you stay in the center you don’t have to worry about balancing. Experience the blessings.
September 8 A daily pursuit – Philippians 4:4-9. What do you spend your time doing daily? Is it worth the time you spend? Relationships are deepened by spending time. How do you get to know God?
September 15 The key to contentment – Philippians 4:10-20. Are you longing for more? Where do you look for satisfaction? Pursue the plan God lays before you. Joy & contentment are in the relationship with God.
September 22 Godly contentment – 1 Timothy 6:6-11,17-19. When you are not focused you loss sight of what really matters. Stay on track one step at a time. The secret to contentment is depending on God.
September 29 A slower pace- Exodus 20:8-11;31:12-17. Rest is a valuable gift. Open the gift get some physical rest and spiritual refreshment. Time in reflection allows us to make needed course corrections to realign.
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