June 2024 at Living Word – He knows you; how well do you know Him? There is no other like Him. He has the power and resources to do anything. At His word things were created and with His breath mankind came to life. God is real and you can grow and know Him. This month our students will be learning Bible lessons on how God is in control; He is calling out to us and has our best interest in mind. God’s Word teaches us we have value and God wants us to know we can be in His family as His child. A true child of God is your true identity. Designed with a true purpose. Invest your time and love into sharing God’s plan and love with those around you.

6-2-2024 Are you hearing voices? With today’s electronics a speech generator will allow you to hear almost anyone’s voice. How do you know if that person really said what you hear? Do you take time out of your busy life to seek the message from God? He is calling you to follow the plan. Can you say “Here am I”? Samuel knew someone was calling to him. Samuel responds to the Call – 1 Samuel 1:24-28; 2:18-26; 3:1-21; Isaiah 45:5. 2 Chronicles 20:6; Proverbs 19:21God deserves respect, obedience, and honor.

6-9-2024 Is your life unbalanced and seem to be out of control. Nothing is too hard for the One true God. God works to keep life in balance. God healed Naaman – 2 Kings 5:1-17; Jeremiah 32:17. God judged the Philistines. 1Samuel 4:1-11;5-6. The power and might 2 Chronicles 20:6 God is all-powerful and in control of all things.

6-16-2024 How do you respond to authority? God helps people know what to do. God choose a king and gives authority to lead the people – 1 Samuel 8:1-10, 19-22; 9:15-17,27; 10:1,17-25; 11:12-15 Psalm 32:8; 2 Chronicles 20:6. Everyone needs to respect God’s Authority, He is the One in true control.  

6-23-2024 You have been given an opportunity. You get to choose to obey or disobey. God wants people to follow His plan so they can have a better life. There are rewards and there are consequences. 1 Samuel 13:1-15; 14:47- 15:35; 2 Chronicles 20:6;   Deuteronomy 5:32. Saul did not listen to God. God expects obedience and will act when people disobey.

6-30-2024 What you see may not be real. While many are looking on the outward God is looking on the inward. God knows about every person. You cannot hide from Him. 1 Samuel 16:1-13; Psalm 139:2, 11-16; 2 Chronicles 20:6   God chose David and send the Holy Spirit to be with you. Will you let Him in?