Kids today are exposed to many different opinions, thoughts, and words of others. What they believe and think about depends on the situations they are in and the people they are with. They are exposed relative truths all the time but how do they learn the absolute truth? This month we will be learning about the Truth which is found in God’s Word. The truth found in the Bible is forever and does not change. Students can learn the Truth about God and the great plans He has for people. We will learn that we are not designed just to hear the Word of God but we were created to be doers of God’s Word.  Read 1 Timothy Chapter 4 & 2 Timothy Chapter 3 to see the importance of teaching your children the Bible. Our goal is to learn importance of God’s Word and how to use the Bible in our lives everyday.

July 7 God inspired people to know what to write so we could understand God’s plans for us. Life examples and stories in the Bible show us things that really happened when people did and didn’t follow His instructions and plan. Creation shows us the power of God and the Bible gives us examples and instruction on how people are an important part of the plan. Psalm 104; James 1:22-25 Grade schoolers learns a Psalm about Creation. Exodus 19-20; 31:18; Psalm 119:16. Preschoolers learn God gave rules to Moses. Those rules still apply to our lives today to help us focus on our relationship with God.

July 14 How do you express it? In person, with a note, a phone call, email, or text. When was the last time you told someone thanks? Have you thanked God for His constant love and the truths found in His Word? Everything in the Bible is true and will Last forever. The Bible teaches us what God is like. 2 Samuel 22; Psalm 18; James 1:22-25; Psalm 119:16; Psalm 138. David wrote songs of praise and thanks. Talk to God thanking Him for His Love and Care, Rules to guide us, the Values He gives us, The Resources and Gifts He provides.

July 21 The priest were staying busy doing what they thought was right but they were not reading God’s Word for proper direction. The nation was falling deeper and deeper into sin and further from God. A young boy became a king at only 8 years old and despite the idol worship that was around him he was busy working for God destroying places of idol worship and restoring the temple. Another young boy was born a King and told the people about God’s plan being fulfilled while in the temple. The Bible is God’s message about Himself and His plan for us. Jesus read out loud from God’s Word and helped people understand. Luke 4:16-22; Isaiah 61:1; James 1:22-25. Grade schoolers learn Jesus read the Scriptures. Preschoolers learn a young Josiah read the Scroll. While becoming a king at only 8 years old and by age 16 was focused on fulfilling God’s plan because he heard the Word of God being read.

July 28 How do you know about God? Religious traditions, hearing people talk about Him, stories you heard as a child, time spent in God’s word and talking with Him. The Bible teaches you how to live the Christian life. How many blessings have you missed by not hearing and doing. James 1:19-26 Grade schoolers learn about hearing and doing God’s Word. Luke 4:16-22; Psalm 119:6 Preschoolers learn that Jesus read from God’s Word. Jesus read that this was the year of the Lord’s favor but stopped before He read the day of our God’s vengeance because that day was yet to come. Now is the time Jesus came to set us free. Ask God to give you the strength to let go of anything and everything that prevents you from receiving the power and gifts God wants to give you as His child