Is your plan possible or impossible? A New Year is a time when people make new promises and renew others but many fail to continue and follow them through. Old habits can be hard to break and new routines may be hard to keep. You have to decide. Do not under value yourself! What is simple to do is also simple not to do. How do you plan to focus on the plan that you were designed and equipped to do?  Set your goal and plan to grow in what you know to allow God’s love to show. Wishing you a blessed and joyful new year.

This month we will be teaching our students about how God hears and responds to His people. God knows what we need and what is best for us. Our relationship with Him should be a top priority in our daily life. The Bible shows us how God responded to His people when they talked with Him. We can talk to God anytime, anywhere, and about anything knowing He will answer our prayers in the way He knows best for us. He offers you His comfort and peace, take your burdens and concerns to Him.

January 5th – How many blessings did you miss out on this past year? Whatever situation you may be in God has offered you many great things. We all have reasons to thank God. His kindness is overwhelming. Not only does He provide daily needs He provides Jesus for our salvation. God hears us when we pray. We should give God praise and thanks for everything. God’s greatness as no end. We can count on God to do what is good, holy, and right. 1 John 5:14; 1 Thessalonians 5:18. King David thanked God 1 Chronicles 15-16. Ask God to give you the assurance, grace, gratitude, love, peace, and provision.   

January 12th – Daily living can offer you seemingly impossible situations. Have you learned to rely on Him and not yourself? He knows the place you are in, talk to Him. God hears and answers prayers 1 John 5:14. Jesus fed a crowd and He can provide for you when you talk to Him about your situations. John 6:1-13; Matthew 6:25-34. God knows our needs and desires and expects us to talk to Him about them. Elijah was committed to a life of total dependance on God but in a moment of fear and panic forgot that God was still in control. God heard the prayers but gave Elijah a different answer because He knew Elijah needed nourishment and rest. 1 Kings 19:1-18. The God we serve can provide for us in so many miraculous ways, why do we doubt, fail or hesitate to talk to Him about our concerns and needs. Psalm 55:22; Isaiah 41:10; Philippians 4:19; Matthew 6:25-26; 1 Peter 5:7

January 19th – Music styles change and are varied. Music has a big influence on the world around us. How does the music you listen to affect your life? Music can give you a large range of emotions, it can lift you up or tear you down. God hears His people praise Him. Psalm 135:3; Psalm 145; 1 John 5:14. People sang to God Ezra 2:68-3:1-13 God is worthy of our praise. God is faithful, good, and righteous.

January 26th – What do you do for support? Some people turn to things that cause more harm than help. We all need a support plan. We can ask God to help us, when we pray God hears us. Psalm 30:2; 1 John 5:14. Jesus knew His death was coming and it would not be easy. He turned to God for His support. Jesus prayed in a garden Mark 14:32-40; Luke 22:39-46. Jesus actions during this time are the example of how we should turn to God during our difficult times. We can trust God to bring us peace which surpasses all understanding. Philippians 4:7. Mary & Martha were in great despair because their brother was in bad shape and needed help. They were doing everything humanly possible but knew they needed Jesus. They were concerned about the delayed response but God was on time. John 11:1-44; 2 Corinthians 1:3-7. You are not alone or ignored by God, He wants to work on our behalf.