May 31st 2pm to 4pm – family fun day.
Children’s Ministry for May
May at living word Which solution do you use? Set your standards low enough and you will look good by anybodies standard but God’s standard is the only one that should matter to us. We may fall short but there is hope. The Bible makes this clear. People need Jesus. Jesus gives hope […]
Children’s Ministry at Living Word April
April at Living Word Celebrate! – The life, death, & resurrection of Jesus Christ will bring restoration & healing to the spiritual life of those who are willing to put their trust in Him. Let hope into your life – “Hope is one of those words that is really hard to explain, There is more […]
Children’s Ministry at Living Word – March
Avoid falling away by going back to the basics – a daily spiritual walk Be on guard 1 Peter 5:8-9 Pray Mark 14:38 Stay in the Word Psalm 119:9-11 Stand firm 1 Corinthians 16:13 When you stand with others you can help each other grow in these areas Help from others to avoid falling away. […]
Family Fun Day March 29
Saturday 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm If March winds blow, we can fly a kite. If not, we play games!
Family Dinner Feb 21st @ 6 p.m.
Upcoming event Family Friday night dinner and a show Feb 21st 6pm. Have to sign up by Feb 16th to attend this event.
Children’s Ministry at Living Word February
February Students up to 5th grade Why Should I tell about Jesus? Matthew 3:13-17, Luke 1:1-25,57-80, 3:1-22, 1John 1:19-37. God kept His Promise. Jesus came to take sin and give salvation. Who wrote the Bible? Jeremiah 36, Psalm119:34. The Bible is the most wonderful book ever written How did God create the world? Genesis 1:1- […]
Children’s Ministry January @ Living Word
Children’s Ministry January Lessons @ Living Word People need hope – Everyone can have hope Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus gave hope so you have hope Acts 1:8 Jesus will give people hope even when they mess up John 3:16 God’s people live because He lives Make a difference for the Kingdom by loving others as […]
Special New Years Eve Service
Come bring in the New Year with worship and praise! Singing, preaching, food and fellowship! December 31, 8:30 until midnight.