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Children’s Ministry September @ Living Word

by Diane Lewis

September 2015 at Living Word – Our focus for the month is the promises of God. Children Learn Sept 6th King Saul –  1 Samuel 9-10; 11:12-15; 13:1-15; 15, Psalm 89:1, Joshua 1:9. Samuel anointed Saul to be king. The Spirit of God was there to help Saul. Saul was given promises but he failed […]

Children’s Ministry July at LWM

by Diane Lewis

July 2015 at Living Word Children learn July 5th Hannah 1 Samuel 1:1-20, Romans 5:8. God’s most important creation is you. Do you spend time talking to Him? July 12 Samuel 1 Samuel 1:1 – 4:1God wants people to be involved in His work July 19 Nicodemus John 3:1-17, Romans 3:23, 5:8-10, 6:23, 10:9-10, 1 […]

VBS Wednesday Nights June 24 – Aug 12

by Diane Lewis

VBS 2015 Starts on Wed night June 24th and runs on Wed nights until August 12th. The 12th will be parent night. Plan to see what the students have learned over the summer God has a plan for me but I still have options. God’s word is full of if then statements. If I will […]

Children’s Ministry May 2015

by Diane Lewis

May 2105 at Living Word Now that Easter has passed have you began the service Jesus called you to during the ascension? Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to help us get the work done. Have you accepted the help? Spring is a time of new beginning and growth. Feeding on the right things […]

Prime Timers – Senior Adult Ministry – March 12th @ 10 a.m.

by Diane Lewis

  New Senior Adult Group (age 60+)  working together to empower the boomers and beyond generation to be all that God wants us to be!   Meets at Living Word Ministries @ 10 a.m.  every second Thursday of each month beginning March 12th.   Did you know? 11,000 people turn 50 every day another 11,500 […]

Praise Dance Worship Team

by Diane Lewis

New worship ministry lead by  Christa Childress.  The group will meet each Wednesday @ 6 pm for practice.  Let Christa know if you have questions or would like to be part of  this special Worship team. The group will meet at the church, each Wednesday @ 6 pm for practice.      

Children’s Ministry for February @ Living Word

by Diane Lewis

February at Living Word God will deliver us through pain and suffering. God is willing to deliver us to Himself. We have to just quit holding on to our desires and seek His. Why is it that people do not value what they have until they lose it? God has given each of us something […]

New Years Eve Celebration

by Diane Lewis

Join us for our New Years Eve Watch Service December 31st, 8:30 pm – Midnight.  Singing, food, message of hope. Finish the year with thanksgiving and Praise for all of God’s Blessings in 2014.  Begin the new year with praise and worship, inviting His will and Blessing in our lives for 2015.

Children’s Ministry December at Living Word

by Diane Lewis

December 2014 at Living Word The Bible teaches us that wise men seek Jesus. The Bible teaches about the crisis, struggles & victories that people have. It shows what happens to those who allow God to take control and those who do not. The Bible tells us about 42 generations of Jesus family. Situations where […]